
About cell regeneration technology

Regenerative food and supplement

Spirulina has been known for its positive effect on human health for a long time. The use of spirulina dates back as far as the ancient times. It refers to the dried biomass of an oxygenic photosynthetic bacterium found all over the world in fresh and marine waters.

This algae (Arthrospira platensis) has been used as a source of protein and vitamin supplement without any significant side-effects. Apart from up to 70% of protein, it also contains vitamins such as B12 and provitamin A (β-carotenes), and minerals like iron.

Spirulina is also known as superfood and helps to rebuild cells faster.

Spirulina Cell Disruption Technology

We have developed unique technology to exctract all the ingredients from Spirulina

A unique cell opening technology “Cell Disruption of Spirulina” enables to extract and use the full composition of Spirulina (Algae Platensis) cells in an active form without damaging or destroying the cell itself.

​With no loss, we are able to open the Spirulina cells and maintain all active components that are present in the cell.

Spray, Serum, Balsam and other future products have an ability to be absorbed more than 95% of active ingredients.

Our company is the only manufacturer of disrupted cell of Spirulina based products that contain all active elements found in Spirulina cell. In comparison, other products with Spirulina contain only a few active components and with none or low absorbance rates.

Unique technology increases skin absorption of all active elements existing in Spirulina. By using the open-cell Spirulina technology – all active components are now fully accessible in Supreme Spirulina products.

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