

Description of product and technology

The present invention is related to the systems and methods of disruption of biomass of renewable resources – algal cells – by applying the rotating induced magnetic field, and isolation of bioproducts accumulated in the algal cells, such as lipids, proteins, pigments, vitamins from the disrupted biomass. Disruption of the algal cells with the rotating magnetic field according to the present invention also allows to successively isolate more than one bioproduct from the same algal concentrate, for example, both lipids and proteins. Lysed biomass obtained after the breaking down of algal cell walls is characterised by its tendency to settle out in layers; thus, the isolation (separation) process is facilitated and in certain cases the decantation only is sufficient.

Cell Disruption Technology takes the potential applications of spirulina to new heights

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria surrounded by a strong multi-layer membrane in the shape of a spiral coil. Its blue-green color comes from the pigment phycocyanin, one of the most valuable elements of spirulina which is beneficial for human health.

As you can see, the cells of the cyanobacteria are arranged one after the other within a tube-shaped spirulina membrane. It resembles a long stuffed “sausage”.

How it works?

The multi-layered spiral-shaped membrane cannot be broken down (digested) by monogastric organisms, including humans. In terms of its composition, the membrane of the spirulina is similar to the membranes of the beneficial bacteria found in humans. If we had enzymes capable of digesting the spirulina membrane, we would end up digesting our own beneficial bacteria.

Cell Disruption technology has solved this problem:

it has unlocked the “safe” of the spirulina so that all the components can easily be absorbed through the oral or respiratory mucosa.

The Cell disruption technology allows breaking down the spirulina membrane and the membrane of the bacteria. All the nutrients contained in the cell enter a special liquid medium and are ready for human consumption. Various forms of consumption are available: it can be inhaled, delivered by a spray on the buccal mucosa using a multi-dispenser (the fastest route of administration is through the mucosal layer) or it can be used in other form.

Spirulina Laboratory
In picture above can be seen disrupted cells of spirulina on the right and what we have after disruption of the membrane all ingredients layered on the left.

Nutritional and therapeutic benefits

Composition of spirulina

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