Why Spirulina is the “Food of Gods”?
Welcome to our enlightening journey into the history and nutritional power of spirulina, often deemed the “Food of Gods”.
Welcome to our enlightening journey into the history and nutritional power of spirulina, often deemed the “Food of Gods”.
Spirulina is a spring–loaded planktonic organism. It is mainly found in warm, alkaline, and volcanic lake waters. Spirulina is often called arthrospore, blue-green algae, cyanobacteria, or cyanophytes.
The Potential Role of Spirulina in Protection against Radiation and its Effects Amha Belay, Ph. D. (March 17, 2011) During the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and now due to the recent Japanese earthquake-related nuclear accident, many people have asked us about some reports that they have read about the effect of Spirulina in protection against radiation