Spirulina and Amazing Benefits

Spirulina and the 17 amazing properties

Spirulina is a single–celled blue algae, which is the richest protein among plants.

Spirulina is a spring–loaded planktonic organism. It is mainly found in warm, alkaline, and volcanic lake waters. Spirulina has many names – Arthrospira, blue-green algae, cyanobacteria, or cyanophytes.

Where did it come from?

Although algae is a traditional food for some Mexican and African peoples, the consumption of spirulina in our countries has gained the greatest popularity over the past 10-15 years.

The ancient Maya and Aztecs used dried spirulina as a therapeutic and immunostimulating agent. The product is still a major part of the diet of the indigenous peoples of Africa and South America.

Due to its proven strengthening effect on the human body, spirulina grows in many places on special algae farms.

Why is it a “Superfood”

Spirulina is a source of phycocyanins – powerful immunostimulants that also have an anti-cancer effect. Many scientists believe that algae are second in terms of gamma-linolenic acid content after breast milk.

The Supreme Spirulina spray has high absorption rate.

These algae have a rich nutritional composition containing more than 100 nutrients, the most important for human health are:

  • 20 essential amino acids;
  • Vitamins A, E, B1, 2, 6, 12;
  • Spirulina contain 25 times more provitamin A than raw carrots, and three times more vitamin E than wheat germ;
  • Important vitamins B-B1, B5 and B6, for metabolism and nervous system;
  • The product also contains three vitamins with the strongest antioxidant effect – A, C, and E;
  • Phytonutrients;
  • The specific blue-green color of algae is the result of a combination of phytonutrients: carotene, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin;
  • Immune booster
  • More than 17 different beta-carotenoids (carotenoids are substances that protect the skin from sunburn and the harmful effects of the sun);
  • In addition, beta-carotene in combination with zeaxanthin is due to its positive effect on vision, and algae are considered an effective means of preventing macular degeneration;
  • Iron;
  • Spirulina have 50 times more organic iron than raw spinach;
  • Magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, manganese, calcium (spirulina contains 7 times more calcium than cow’s milk, and therefore is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for certain diseases with calcium deficiency, such as osteoporosis);
  • Zinc (is an important mineral necessary to maintain good health and activity of the immune system. It is a beta-carotene synergist, and together they are the most powerful nutritional ally against cellular damage. Most people eat only about half of the required daily allowance. Zinc deficiency is exacerbated by the consumption of refined foods typical of modern society, alcohol abuse, and medication);
  • Omega-3 and 6 (positively affecting mood, hormonal balance, cardiovascular system, and lowering cholesterol levels. Studies show that people who regularly take algae in one form or another significantly reduce the so-called “bad” cholesterol level. The reason for this is that the substances in spirulina block the absorption of fat);
  • Antioxidants (spirulina is a rich natural source of antioxidants and contains a large number of phenolic acids and tocopherols).

It’s no secret, that blue-green algae contain 0.5% glycogen, which is extremely easily to convert into energy, glucose, which is important for the transport of nutrients from the blood to the brain. Complex sugar rimose gives the product a pleasant sweet taste. However, there are only 4 calories per 1 gram of dry mass of algae, and there is almost no cholesterol.

What experts say about spirulina

Algae is a powerful alkalizing product that helps restore optimal body pH.

Nutrition experts explain that typical food for modern society, rich in salt, carbohydrates, processed foods, and carbonated drinks, increases the acidity in the body and is one of the reasons for the development of many diseases in the future. Maintaining an optimal alkaline-acid balance is a prerequisite for good health.

Blue algae help strengthen the immune system and neutralize the effects of toxins that accumulate in cells during natural life processes, stress, radiation exposure, chemotherapy, and so on. Spirulina has a proven therapeutic effect in hypoglycemia, diabetes, chronic fatigue, anemia, ulcers, and hepatitis. Relieves the symptoms of arthritis, premenstrual pain, and several skin diseases.

In addition to inadequate nutrition, spirulina is also an extremely valuable and constructive dietary supplement during pregnancy.

Spirulina has a low caloric index but contains essential substances. This is a suitable dietary supplement, for active athletes, people engaged in bodybuilding and fitness, as well as for those who want to lose weight.

The substances contained in algae stimulate and improve the skin’s metabolism, elasticity, and blood supply. For this reason, people use spirulina algae extract as an active ingredient in several cosmetics, and face creams.

Experts say that pure Spirulina has no side effects and is compatible with other dietary supplements, medicines, and herbs.

Spirulina Official YouTube introduction

Check out more interesting facts about Spirulina daily use and it’s properties in Suspil blog.

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